is one thing always on my mind recently. It is this: (while on stage) everytime
I take a step to the front, audiences have a strong reaction. So I think
we probably have concerts which are composed of many little excitements
created by other members. I finally noticed this after being in the band
for 10 years. Audiences come all the way here because they are looking
for excitement. When I think of this, I need to get rid of the thinking
that I am going to show my cool side, by the time I go to the stage.
In the past, I always didn't allow any mistakes, and I forced myself to smile. Later I realized that I didn't need to do this in the concerts. I came to be more causal and I found it was easier for me to put an effort into the performance. I might be told that it was too late to notice that, but I am glad that I finally realized it. |
album "Unagi"?
Right now Spitz is having a summer event and recording a new album....we have probably finished 90% of them? We haven't decided the title for the new album. Actually, the name of the last album is "Hachimitsu" (Honey). Since we named it "Hachimitsu", we received a lot of honey. (laugh) I liked adding honey into hot milk and drank it. This year I can't drink it like that because I used up all my honey. (laugh) And this year after the new single "Cherry" was released, we received a lot of cherries. (laugh) Those were really good. (laugh) The next one.....How about "Unagi"? (laugh) Spitz New album "Unagi"! |
I am often described as "insensitive". I never think deliberately. It applies to many things. I often quickly recover or change my mind. For example, after I was dumped by a girl, I was very disappointed and thought,"I probably won't have another chance to meet such a girl whom I really like." Nevertheless, I also told myself that there was nothing I could do even though I really liked that girl. Therefore, I could recover quickly. When I find something I really want to buy and I wonder if I should buy it, I tell myself that I will buy it if I still want it a week later. However, no matter if it is a happy thing, a sad thing, or desire, I would get over it after a week. (laugh) Moreover, I have very strong interests in common things. I am also stingy sometimes. I probably dream to be someone else, and this shows in the characters that I described in the lyrics. |
high school
I have thought of myself as an unimportant person since I started playing in a band in junior high school. When I was 15 or 16, I thought,"No one except my family will probably cry over my death." At that time, I wanted to be a person who can catche the attention of others. Right now there are many people coming to see our concert. I think, at least, I have attracted some attention. |
likes skirts?
was a time when I thought I would like to try to wear a skirt. I didn't
care whether I borrowed a skirt from a girl classmate or picked it up somewhere.
I wanted to try it on. (laugh) I tried once. Somehow it was so weird when
there is no cloth between my legs. For a person who's never worn a skirt
before, of course it was weird. (laugh)
Besides skirts, recently because of summer, a lot of girls are showing their belly buttons while walking down the street. They probably showed it by accident. When these girls raised their hands, my first reaction was: I've seen something that I was not supposed to see! I was very nervous. (laugh) |
The first band we formed after I met Tamura was called Chitasu (Is it called "Cheaters" in English?) It was a band formed by three people. I sang while I played, with the bassist Tamura and the drummer Mr. A. At that time, we played rock songs such as "365 bo no machi" and "Ichigo hakusho wo mo ichi do" with the arrangement changed. The first time we performed was at a place like the musical circle on campus or "Nanakata concert". Seriously, we sucked. I think if we still had had the tape of the performance, we would have erased it right away. After all, I couldn't sing while I played the guitar, and I couldn't play the guitar while I sang. Even now it isn't any better, although I am doing it. (laugh) |
programs about health
I often watch TV programs which are for housewives. Although I really want to watch them, they are often played in the afternoon. Today they said that ochatsuke is good for one's health, and I said to myself, "I saw it on TV!". (laugh) |